The Ethernet board is shipping

The Ethernet add-on board for Tahoe is available!  You can buy it online here.

Once you have the board, Microsoft has some great articles on the .NET Micro Framework home page covering sockets programming and DPWS

Now that we have Ethernet support, we are investigating adding WiFi support also.  Is this something that would be useful (or essential?) for your project?   Comment away… 

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3 Comments on "The Ethernet board is shipping"

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I’d really like to see a wifi version. Such a small device needs to be untethered and specifically I’m thinking of home ‘appliances’, perhaps hangin on walls, being portable, etc.


THe Ethernet can be used on a production board. The chip we use is the Microchip ENC28J60. In the release notes for the firmware, we have details of how this is hooked up to the SPI bus so you can use it in your own designs.

In regard to the ethernet connection, is it designed ONLY for the development board?
What do we do for ethernet when we go into production with the CPUS boards.
Does it tie up GPIO or Ic2 pins?
